We provide you with an external, independent and neutral overview. A rich experience of several postures. For more relevance.

Consultant posture
Result oriented.

We are inspired by the operational posture of a consultant to understand the environment, the context and the system (the company).
This posture consists of collecting the facts and learning about the realities in order to come up with the correct diagnosis of the situation. It thus makes it possible to formulate scenarios for the development of the company and/or to improve the results within the boundaries after we have identified the blocking points and what can be corrected.
The support we will provide to you at Adviance
will never be about doing it in your place, replacing you.
We help you establish the right strategy, as well as an action plan with performance measurement indicators.
- Observes
- Collects facts and data
- Analyses
- Offers solutions
- Measures performance

Coach posture
Solution oriented.

The coach contributes to the performance of your mind, allows you to become aware of your potential and to reach the objectives you have set yourself.
He interacts with the decision-maker to enter into his modes of perception and to carry out a work of reorganization of the professional and personal dimensions which generate the search for meaning.
The goal is to help you develop your personal identity and adopt a “meta” position with respect to your initial representation, which often masks the solution…
The benefits are both in terms of your personal evolution and your company’s performance.
- Forges a winner mindset
- Makes you aware of the environment
- Familiarizes you with uncertainty
- Challenges and motivates you
- Measures your progress

Mentor posture
Efficiency oriented.

In this role, our intervention shall consist of more informal interaction. The Mentor is always ready to listen to your questions and makes him/herself available to provide answers to your questions.
This approach offers you a space for expression without reservations and without judgment, whether it concerns your uncertainties or your doubts, your values or your ambitions, your past or present situation, your feelings or your emotions …
These exchanges are valuable in many circumstances. They allow you to prioritize your needs and invite you to question yourself, evolving according to the “Test & Learn” dynamic: I apply (I test) and I integrate (or put aside what is not useful).
The sharing of a unique and valuable experience that helps clarify requests, develop self-awareness and understanding of oneself, while exploring new perspectives…
- Guides
- Recommends
- Supports
- Delivers constructive feedbacks
- Shares experiences and knowledge
3 Postures for work on 3 dimensions

Work on paradigms, biases, stress. Control your mind and keep it calm by focusing on 3 aspects:
- your thoughts (what you think)
- your feelings (what you feel)
- your actions (how you act)
Regain control of your mind by adopting a flexible way of thinking, by establishing an inner calm and by following your intuition rather than by conformity.


Work on the organization to provide meaning, strategy and
Understand the company in its complexity (system composed of subsystems) and as a whole.
Take into account its history, its culture, its values, its tools, its processes and its people, the goal being to see how the whole interacts within the company itself and with the outside; and make sure that it adapts better to its environment to ensure its development and sustainability.

Work on how to take some distance from oneself, on the company and the environment.
This approach makes it possible to observe what is happening in order to be able to express oneself on the underlying needs and to formulate more explicit requests (we operate too often in an implicit and unconscious way).